
Reversal of a previously settled SEPA Direct Debit transaction can be marked as reversed or charged back and will be presented in the MAI with the appropriate status: SETTLEMENT_REVERSED or CHARGED_BACK.

If there is nothing technically wrong with the transaction the bank then passes the request to the customer’s bank. The customer’s bank verifies, among other items, that:

The shopper’s bank has up to five business days from the settlement date to complete these checks and reverse the SEPA DD payment.

Our bank can send 'R' messages such as insufficient funds, account closed etc. against a transaction that has been previously settled, triggering a debit entry in the account statement. The reason code received from the bank for the reversal is used to determine the final status of a transaction that has already been settled; reversal or chargeback.

A reversal will trigger a debit entry in the MAI. All reversals are visible to you in the MAI and on any report containing SEPA transactions.


Notifications for a settlement reversal differ from chargeback notifications, the main difference being the new payment status: SETTLEMENT_REVERSED instead of CHARGED_BACK.

Note:  The SETTLEMENT_REVERSED status is not enabled by default and will only be enabled on your account once we have confirmed that your system can handle the SETTLEMENT_REVERSED status and order notifications/inquiry responses. Your CSM or IM will assist with this upon request.

Example XML notification

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE paymentService PUBLIC "-//WorldPay/DTD WorldPay PaymentService v1//EN" "">

<paymentService version="1.4" merchantCode="MERCHANT_CODE">


    <orderStatusEvent orderCode="ORDER_CODE"><!--Will contain the order code used in the request-->



         <amount value="100" currencyCode="EUR" exponent="2" debitCreditIndicator="credit"/>


<balance accountType="SETTLED_BIBIT_COMMISSION">

<amount value="50" currencyCode="EUR" exponent="2" debitCreditIndicator="credit" />


<balance accountType="SETTLED_BIBIT_NET">

<amount value="50" currencyCode="EUR" exponent="2" debitCreditIndicator="debit" />


      <journal journalType="SETTLEMENT_REVERSED" description="Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient">


          <date dayOfMonth="12" month="04" year="2018"/>


        <accountTx accountType="SETTLED_BIBIT_COMMISSION" batchId="9">

          <amount value="25" currencyCode="EUR" exponent="2" debitCreditIndicator="debit"/>

<accountTx accountType="SETTLED_BIBIT_NET" batchId="88">

<amount value="125" currencyCode="EUR" exponent="2" debitCreditIndicator="debit" />




