

Blank Response Log Report

If you run the response log report for the given day of the Utility batch job run and it is blank, perform the following procedure. If no errors are found, contact Support Services.

  1. In SAP within the BillPay Menu (/PMPAY/PBP), run the Maintain Historical Data utility. WARNING: Do not select any records and delete them. This report is being used to view data only for the purposes of troubleshooting.

  2. Sort results by BillPay Status column.

  3. Locate any of the following error statuses and take the appropriate recommended action.

    1. COMMUNICATION FAILURE - indicates the SAP could not communicate with the Adapter RFC. Possible Resolution: Restart the Adapter domain-saprfc to reboot the service. Note that rebooting the server also restarts the service.

    2. SENT - NO ACK - indicates SAP communicated with the Adapter RFC but something occurred before the acknowledgment was received. Possible Resolution: Restart the Adapter 'domain-saprfc'. Note that rebooting the server also restarts the service.

    3. ACK RECEIVED - indicates SAP connected with the Adapter RFC Connector component, received an acknowledge, but further updates were received. Possible Resolutions: Contact Support Services

    4. COMPLETE - FAIL - indicates data failure in BillPay due to functional reasons. Possible Resolution: Data issues or validation issue. Check data sent from SAP to BillPay.

Data Upload Errors

  1. Review the detailed error message(s) and make the necessary correction(s).

  2. Access the appropriate BillPay Utility and run it ad-hoc.

    1. BillPay Utilities are accessible from BillPay Menu - /PMPAY/PBP

    2. Apply filters as needed to process the appropriate records.

    3. You can first execute in simulate mode then remove checkbox and execute the Utility to upload the data.

Data Update Failures (Notification Failures)

  1. In the BillPay Menu (/PMPAY/PBP), run the Notifications Report with Failed Notifications selected.

  2. Review the error message(s).

  3. Make the necessary corrections based on the error messages.

    TIP: For changes that need to be made in the FI posting screens, you can step through either all or just screens with errors for each errored Notification record using the Reprocess Notification Errors utility.

  4. Make note of the Notification ID you want to reprocess from the Notifications Report.

  5. In the BillPay Menu (/PMPAY/PBP), run the Reprocess Notification Errors utility.

  6. We recommend that you attempt to reprocess the errored Notification records in background mode first (BDC = P).