Token Formats

There are multiple token formats available; each one displays, at a minimum, the last four digits of a card number. Following is the default token format where #### represents the last four digits of the credit card number.


XiFlex - FlexTokens

XiFlex is a tokenization solution that gives organizations the adaptability necessary to protect any type of sensitive information residing within the enterprise. XiFlex maintains the original length and format of the data and stores it in the offsite, highly secure Paymetric data vault.

Your system administrator should provide you with the token format used in your system.

Where Can I See the Token Format(s) I Implemented?

Note that approving managers and onboarding edit users of the Merchant Portal can view the token format from the XiSecure page in your Merchant Portal. Log in, go to Settings > XiSecure. The token format is in parentheses on the tab. If using the standard default E803 token mentioned above it reads (Default Token Type) Otherwise, it will have the "Name" as listed.