Reverse Clearing with Payment Cards Data
This transaction executes the standard SAP transaction FBRC, "Reverse clearing with payment card data," with additional enhancements.
The enhanced version allows additional search criteria:
By settlement batch number
By accounting document number
By card type and number
The resulting screen allows you to select the document(s) for reversal posting.
If you get an Access Denied error, contact your SAP/PCMA System Administrator as he/she controls program access.
Go to the Financial Accounting > Reverse clearing with Payment Card data menu option (program /PMPAY/PU_FBRC).
Execute the report and then enter the selection criteria such as the Settlement batch as shown below. The descriptions for each of the selection criteria can be viewed by clicking the information icon.
Execute the program by clicking Execute.
Select all or individual items to be chosen for reversal and click Reverse Payment Card Clearing.
Click Save and the reversal documents will be created.