Manage Scheduled Payments

The Manage Scheduled Payments page is used to either edit or delete a scheduled payment. Access this page from either the Confirmation Details, Invoice Details or Invoices Report page.

Purpose and description

This page allows you to edit the schedule for the corresponding invoice(s).

Key points and considerations

  • If you have implemented Buyers, you can only manage scheduled payments for one Buyer Division at a time.

  • Delete will delete the entire schedule for all applicable invoices. You cannot delete individual scheduled installment payments.

  • If editing a payment schedule:

    • If you choose to Pay Now, an authorization is immediately performed against the payment method entered and the invoice balance is updated.

    • If you choose Pay Later or Installment, a future payment is scheduled. (Only available if enabled by the Merchant.)

      • If you are scheduling a future payment, note that validations occur when a scheduled payment runs to verify the amount of the payment does not exceed the current invoice balance.

      • If there are two scheduled payments on the same day (i.e. a "Pay Later" and an "Installment" payment), a potential overpayment could occur.

  • If an invoice is flagged as Read-Only, it does not display in the list of available invoices for payment.

    • It does display in the Invoices Report and the Invoice Details indicates it is "Read-Only".

  • If you are selecting multiple invoices and you select one that cannot be paid with a common payment method as the invoices already selected, the following error displays:

    • "No payment method can be used to pay all selected invoices."

    • You should deselect the invoice that you just selected which resulted in the error. You will need to process that invoice separately.

  • Before you submit payment and receive a confirmation, you can navigate to a Step that has already been completed by clicking on the Step # or the back link.

  • Generally, an invoice status changes to "Pending" once the payment is submitted. See Invoice Statuses for more details.

  • If Partial Payments are allowed, the Invoice Status may vary once the payment is submitted depending upon if the Merchant has configured residual payments. Again, see Invoice Statuses for details.

  • For echeck payments, Buyer users are prompted to read and accept the Merchant's terms & conditions (T&C).

  • T&C is only applicable for Merchant's that support Buyers and echeck payments in BillPay.

Select the scheduled payment to be edited or deleted

A scheduled payment can be edited or deleted from any of the following pages:

Page name How to access

Confirmation Details

Click the Confirmation # link from any of the pages where it displays.

- OR -

Use the Quick Search option at the very top of the page near the gear icon. Select Confirmation from the dropdown, enter the value, then press enter or click search.

Click either edit or delete, and see the instructions below.

Invoice Details

Click the Invoice # link from any of the where it details.

- OR -

Use the Quick Search option at the very top of the page near the gear icon. Select Invoice from the dropdown, enter the value, then press enter or click search.

Click either edit or delete, and see the instructions below.

Invoices Reports

Run the report. Click the expand arrow on a given invoice row, you will see a Scheduled Payments tab with edit and delete options.

Click either edit or delete, and see instructions below.


If you don't know the Confirmation # or Invoice #, you can run the Scheduled Payments report using a date range to locate the payment. Then click on the Invoice # or Confirmation # to access the corresponding details page where you can edit or delete the schedule.

Field descriptions:

Most of the fields in the invoice grid are self explanatory. Following are a few that may require explanation:

Field name Description

Head Invoice

If multiple invoices exist in an invoice hierarchy, the head invoice value is the original invoice in the chain of invoices.

See Parent Invoice below for more information regarding a chain of invoices.

Invoice Group Ref

Provides the ability to group invoices by a common value.

For SAP integrations, the Company Code, Fiscal Year, and Accounting Line Item Number are appended to the Invoice # to ensure that the Invoice # value is unique in BillPay. We then use the Invoice Group Ref field to capture just the Invoice # (Billing Document Number). Users can add the Invoice Group Ref field to the detail grid on the Pay Invoices and Manage Scheduled Payment pages in the BillPay Portal to easily locate all open items for a given Billing Document Number.

Parent Invoice

This field allows a merchant to associate one invoice to another.

For example, if a partial payment is made and the merchant is using a residual payment workflow, the status of the invoice on which the partial payment is made changes to 'Residual Closed' and the balance becomes $0. The Merchant then creates a new invoice for the remaining balance and references the invoice that was partially paid in the Parent Invoice field.

If another partial payment is made on the new invoice, the same process occurs until the balance is paid in full. This chain of invoices displays in BillPay Portal on Invoice Details page in the Invoice Hierarchy section.


A note/message a merchant may choose to include regarding the invoice.

Edit the schedule

High-level steps to edit scheduled payment:

  • Select Invoices

  • Schedule Payment (optional step if the Merchant has enabled future payments)

  • Enter/Select Payment Method

  • Review & Submit

  • Obtain Confirmation

1. Select invoices

The invoice(s) for the schedule scheduled payment you selected to edit will display at the top of the grid by default with their corresponding payment amounts auto populated.

Make the necessary changes, and then click next to continue.


  • Customize Columns - In the invoice grid area, you can click customize columns to reorder or add/remove columns.

    • Invoice # and Payment Amount columns cannot be moved.

    • Reason Code column cannot be moved if that field is enabled and configured as required.

  • PDF View of Invoice - You will see a PDF icon next to the Invoice # if the functionality is enabled and the appropriate document values are sent when uploading the invoice.

    • You can click on the PDF icon to view a PDF of the invoice. It is printable from the browser.

    • See Buyer Notification Methods for more information regarding this feature including how the PDFs can be sent to Buyers.

2. Schedule payments

You can change the payment schedule to Pay Now, or make a one time future payment (Pay Later) or set the terms for the installment payments if supported.

Make the necessary changes, and the click next to continue.

3. Payment method

The payment methods that display are limited to only those supported based off the selected invoices.

If Buyers are supported and the buyer has any stored payment methods, the “Stored Payment Method” option will display in addition to the “New Payment Method” option.


If surcharges or convenience fees are enabled, you will see a note indicating the details directly above the payment method options. This wording is configured by the Merchant. This same message displays in Review & Submit step as well. Following is an example:

Select a Stored Payment Method (if available) or enter a New Payment Method.

  • If new, complete the associated payment detail fields. Some fields may be prepopulated based on the data from the first invoice selected if this feature is implemented.

  • If echeck payment method is available, the payment detail fields vary depending upon the Bank Account Type selected.

Click next to continue.

4. Review and submit

Review the payment details and click submit when you are ready to apply changes to the scheduled.


If surcharges or convenience fees are enabled, the disclosure message always displays on this step.

If a surcharge or convenience fee is applicable, it is stored in a separate field and does not go towards the balance of an invoice. You see SubTotal = payment amount excluding surcharge/convenience fee, Surcharge/Convenience Fee = surcharge/convenience fee amount, and Total Payment = payment amount + surcharge/convenience fee.

You will not see a Surcharge total amount nor Subtotal amount if the payment method is echeck or debit card.

5. Confirmation

The same Confirmation # is used for the updated schedule.

If the stored payment you are using was declined, the following error displays: "Payment verification failed. Please try again or choose an alternate form of payment." Click Please try again to go to Step 1.

Delete a schedule

From either the Invoice Details, Confirmation Details or Invoices Report page, click the delete link for the appropriate schedule to delete the entire scheduled.

You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Click continue to delete the scheduled payment.


  • For Pay Later when multiple invoices are tied to the schedule, this action deletes the schedule for all associated invoices.

  • For Installments, this will delete the entire schedule. You cannot delete individual installment payments.