Partner Portal Users

The two main portal users for partners as follows: Portal Admins (PA) and Consultants.

The Approving Manager role is not applicable to Partners/Integrators.

Additional information

Consultants are created as Portal Users in the System Integrator's (SI) portal. If you give them the PA role, the consultants will have access to all Merchants to which the SI is assigned. To limit access to only the Merchants to which the Consultant is assigned, give him/her the Onboarding Edit role. You can also limit a Consultant's role to view-only (Onboarding View) access.

Note that the Onboarding View role at the Merchant level. An individual must be assigned this role and assigned to the Merchant. An enhancement request is in development for a Project Mgmt permission that would give view access to all Merchants assigned to the System Integrator.

Roles and permissions

Portal users should be limited to individuals with specific business requirements for access. See "Role information" under Add or edit a Merchant Portal user for more information on Portal User types. Determine which roles you plan to assign before adding the user.

Add or edit a Merchant Portal user

  1. Go to Admin > Users.

  2. Click add or edit to open dialog box and complete the fields.

  3. User information

    1. First Name – User's first name.

    2. Last Name – User's last name.

    3. Username – Username for Portal - automatically defaults.

    4. Email – Email address that will receive the Username and initial password when User is saved. Any notifications associated with this User will be sent to this email address as well.

  4. Role information

    1. Onboarding Edit – Ability to view and edit all configuration settings for the Merchant to which the user is assigned as a Consultant.

    2. Onboarding View – Read-only access to configuration settings. Can only view the settings for the Merchants to which the user is assigned.

    3. Portal Admin – Full access to the Portal across all Merchants to which the System Integrator is assigned. Main purpose is to manage the Integrator Portal Users and Consultant assignment.

    4. Project Management – Used to give access to view all Merchants assigned to a System Integrator Partner. It currently does not receive Onboarding notifications. Only Consultants assigned to a given Merchant with Onboarding Edit permission will receive the notifications. Available for Partners/Integrators only.

Activate expired user

Merchant Portal users expire after a 80-day period of inactivity.

  1. Go to the Admin > Users page.

  2. To activate expired user, click the expired user to select. The user is highlighted when selected.

  3. Click Activate.

  4. The expired icon is removed to indicate the user is activated.

Unlock user

Merchant Portal users are locked-out after three failed login attempts. The lock is automatically removed within 60 minutes; however, you can force an unlock using the procedure below.

  1. Go to the Admin > Users page.

  2. To unlock a user, click on the locked user to select.

  3. The user is highlighted when selected.

  4. Click Unlock. The locked icon is removed to indicate the user is no longer locked-out.

Disable/enable user

Merchant Portal users can be disabled and then enabled at any time. The list defaults to all enabled users.

  1. Go to the Admin > Users page.

  2. To disable a user:

    1. Click the user to select. The user is highlighted when selected.

    2. Click Disable.

    3. The user's status is updated and is removed from the list.

    4. Select Show Disabled Users checkbox if you want to display the disabled users.

  3. To enable a user:

    1. Select Show Disabled Users checkbox to display the disabled users.

    2. Click the user to select. The user is highlighted when selected.

    3. Click Enable.

    4. The user's status is updated and is returned to the enabled list.

Delete user

Merchant Portal users can be deleted. This action completely removes the user.

  1. Go to the Admin > Users page.

  2. Click the user to select.

  3. The user is highlighted when selected.

  4. Click Delete. The user's status is updated and is removed from the list.

  5. Select Show Disabled Users checkbox if you want to display the disabled users.