Enroll Hardware Token

Hardware tokens must be purchased by Merchant through third party. Hardware tokens must be enrolled by Paymetric. Have your hardware token device available to obtain the necessary information.

Enrollment Steps

  1. Create a .txt file with the following information.

  2. Merchant's Approving Manager sends an ENCRYPTED email to Paymetricsupport@worldpay.com. Contact Paymetric Support if you need assistance.

  3. Repeat Steps A & B if you have more than one device type to be enrolled.

  4. Once notified via the Support ticket that your devices are enrolled, Test your login.

A. Create a .txt file with the following information in the format specified in Step 2

  1. First two rows, type the following information:

    1. Merchant Name: <your company name>

    2. Device Type: <choose one from below>

      • HOTP 6-digit

      • HOTP 8-digit

    3. Yubikey AES

  2. Next, based on the type of device, type the following information, comma delimited, same spacing as defined below. Enter a separate row for each device being enrolled.

    • Format Syntax per device type:

    • HOTP: <serial number>,<HOTP secret key>,<HOTP counter>,<email address> (HOTP counter is optional)

    • YubiKey: <serial number>,<private identity>,<secret key>,<email address>

  3. Save file as <CompanyName>-<device type>.txt.

B. Merchant's approving manager submits support ticket

  1. Approving manager logs into support portal, and opens a support ticket with the following information:

    • Subject: Enroll hardware token

    • User name: <may be same as user's email address>

    • User's email address

  2. Click Attachment and upload the txt file. Repeat if you have multiple.

  3. Submit ticket.

C. Repeat Steps A & B if you have more than one device type to be enrolled.

D. Once notified via the support ticket that your devices are enrolled. Test your login.