Login and Password Information

When first connecting to the system you are presented with a login screen. This login information is provided by your administrator.

Upon your first login attempt, you are redirected to the Change Password page to establish your password.

If you attempt to login with invalid credentials more than six times, you will be locked out. Wait 30 minutes then try again or you can contact your Intercept Administrator.

Password Requirements

Per PCI regulations, user password requirements are as follows:

  • Passwords may only be changed once in 24 hours and may not be the same as your last 10 passwords.

  • Must Contain

    • Minimum 8 characters, maximum 50 characters

    • 1 uppercase letter

    • 1 lowercase letter

    • A number

    • A special character

    • No spaces

  • Cannot Contain

    • Common words including "admin", "password", "test", or "temp"

    • Your first name, last name, or company name (nor variations of these using special characters)