Intercept eCommerce

Using Intercept eCommerce

When paying for products or services in the merchant’s Web store, sensitive cardholder data is transparently intercepted by Paymetric from your client’s web browser.

Paymetric generates a token for the intercepted number and returns it to the merchant’s web server to be routed for authorization and settlement. The process, which takes seconds to complete, is entirely transparent to the customer. The merchant never transmits, processes or stores the RAW cardholder data, but instead handles only the token which can be used for day-to-day activity.

Currently, Intercept eCommerce only handles tokenization of data; Authorization and Settlement functionality is implemented directly through the XiPay web service.

Integration methods include the following: Form Post, Ajax, IFrame, and Hosted.

Form Post

Merchant performs a Post to Intercept eCommerce from the application server. Intercept eCommerce redirects to the URL defined by the Merchant; any additional fields aside from what is being tokenized can be sent in the XML packet.


Merchant performs an Ajax call to Intecept XiI-eComm from the application server. User never leaves page.


Paymetric hosts the content of the IFrame. Merchant can style and control what fields display; there are multiple content templates or Merchant can completely customize.


Paymetric hosts the entire page. When initiating payment, Merchant's client is redirected to the Paymetric URL. Intercept eCommerce redirects to URL defined by the Merchant after processing the request.