BillPay Weekly Activity

We recommend on a weekly basis that you run reports to compare the total amount of payments for a given period in BillPay against the total value of payments in the Notification Report for the same period.

Verify All Notifications were Received

Perform the following steps to make this comparison:

  1. In BillPay Portal, run the Transaction Report and filter Auth Date From/To for the week to be reviewed.

  2. If you do not see the Source Column in the results, click customize columns and drag & drop it on the grid. The column will stay when you log out and back in.

  3. Click export.

  4. Open the resulting CSV file and filter out any Source System value except 'BillPayWeb'.

  5. Sum the Total column.

  6. In SAP, run the Notification Report for the same dates that you entered in Step 1.

  7. Sum the Amount column. Do the values match?

    1. YES, no further action is needed.

    2. NO, you will need to verify the Adapter Domain services are running and either request your Admin to Trigger Adapter Get Notification, OR, you can contact Support Services and ask them Resend the Notifications.