BillPay SAP Utilities

BillPay SAP utilities include four utilities.

Maintain Buyer and Buyer Division data

Transaction Code: /PMPAY/PBP_BUY

Used to create new or update existing Buyers (which are SAP Customers) in BillPay. The SAP Customer must have the BillPay Payment Method configured. Note that BillPay requires a Buyer Division. This program will automatically create this value to be the same as the Buyer name. There will always be a 1:1 relationship between the Buyer and Buyer Division for SAP integrations.

Maintain stored payment method data

Used to create new or update existing Buyers (which are SAP Customers) in BillPay.

Maintain invoice/open item data

Transaction Code: /PMPAY/PBP_INV

Used to upload open items to BillPay. When uploaded, an Invoice is created in BillPay. When a payment is made in BillPay, the open item will be updated through automated notifications configured in the BillPay IMG.

Maintain transaction data

Transaction Code: /PMPAY/PBP_TRANS

Used to upload transactions associated to open items to BillPay. The transaction is recorded in BillPay and the associated the status of the Invoice in BillPay is updated.

Maintain historical data

Transaction Code: /PMPAY/PBP_PURGE

Used to delete data from the BillPay related log tables by record type and date.

Reprocess notification errors

Payments are received in the form of Notifications from the BillPay Platform. The BillPay SAP solution performs the appropriate postings for the payments. Should errors occur this utility is used to reprocess the payment records.