In this screen you can create a new financial report relating to your business, or maintain the details of an existing report.
You can choose from various message (or report) types. The available message types are:
BatchReport - reports on a specific batch account
CaptureReport - reports on capture batches for specific acquirers; this report is only available when merchants have their own contract with the acquirer
EventReport - daily reporting on changes to events
OrderReport - daily reporting on changes to orders
TransferReport - shows the breakdown of the settlement or transfer batch. It contains information on the payments included in the remittance to the merchant. Note that for M-level merchants the transfer report is mandatory.
To create a new report:
1. Select Profile > Financial Reports from the left-hand menu.
2. Select either Production or Test from the drop-down list
3. Select the Message type from the drop-down list - Batch, Capture, Event, Order or Transfer
4. For the Batch report only, select the Account type from the drop-down list. These are:
5. For the Capture report only, specify these additional settings:
Acquirer - choose an acquirer from the drop-down list
Account - choose an account from the drop-down list
6. Specify a Protocol - email, http or SFTP
7. Select a Stylesheet - for example, XML, HTML or zipped
8. Enter an Address - an email address or http connection where the report is to be sent
9. Specify whether or not this report is to be made active - Yes or No
10. Click the Insert button to save the new report.
You can amend some settings of an existing report. To do this:
1. Select Profile > Financial Reports from the left-hand menu.
2. For the relevant report, amend one or more of these details:
Stylesheet - for example, XML, HTML or zipped
Address - an email address or http connection where the report is to be sent
Specify whether or not this report is to be made active - Yes or No
3. Click the Save button to save the amended report.