Merchant channel

The Merchant Channel setup screen enables you to set up payment status notifications for yourself, and email notifications for your shoppers.

Notifications can be XML, text or CGI; emails can be text or HTML.

You can set up notifications and emails and then either make them active immediately or leave them inactive for the time being.

Setting up payment status notifications and emails

Complete the following procedure for either the Merchant Channels Production or Merchant Channels Test section, or both:

1.       Click either the Yes or No radio buttons for email, http and shopper email, depending on whether or not you want them to be set live. Note that they will not become live until you press the Save Settings button after setup and selecting events are both complete.

2.       Select the content type of message for each of them from the Content drop-down lists:

3.       In the Address and other sections:

4.       Now select the events for notifications and emails.

Selecting events for notifications and emails

In the Merchant Channels Production or Merchant Channels Test section, or both:

1.       Tick the boxes of the events for which you want notifications to be sent, for each of the following notification types:

2.       Click the Save Settings button to save.