Sub-menu items

When you select the Profile menu, submenu items are displayed which enable you to configure the details of the communication between your system and our payment service. These are described below.

Merchant channel

In this window you configure the protocols our payment service uses to report changes in the status of payments to your system. These reports are called Order Notifications (for more information, refer to the Order Notifications - Reporting a Payment Status Guide).

Available protocols to choose from

The available protocols are:

Protocols for the production environment and the test environment can be edited separately.

HTTP and email

For the protocols HTTP and email you can:

Shopper email

A third protocol, Shopper email, is available for sending emails to your shoppers, either in text or HTML. Worldpay must activate this feature for you, which requires that the shopper email address is available in the system. When activated our payment service sends an email to shoppers when their order reaches the payment status AUTHORISED or REFUSED. The buttons ‘Configure AUTHORISED’ and ‘Configure REFUSED’ open a screen where you can edit the (standard) text of these email messages.

Payment status changes (events)

You can define for what payment status changes or events (CANCELLED, EXPIRED etc.) you would like to receive Order Notifications. You can select these events per protocol. Note that for the protocol 'Shopper email’ the only possible events are AUTHORISED and REFUSED.

Saving changes

Press the Save Settings button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes you have made.

Merchant environment

The Environment Properties window displays the settings for your IP addresses for the production and test environments. All your XML requests (order submissions, inquiries and modifications) must originate from these addresses. The IP address for the production environment is read-only. Only Worldpay can change these settings. For details, please contact your Relationship Manager or It is possible to have our payment service check on IP addresses within a range of the last octet.

Press the Save  button to save your changes for the test environment.

User profile

In the User Profile window you can change your password for logging on to the Merchant Interface. Press the Save button to save your changes.

Financial reports

The Financial Reports menu opens the Reports window with your financial reports settings. Here you can define what reports you would like to receive and edit their properties. When adding a report you have to specify the following settings:

When you edit the settings of an existing report, the Save button at the far right of the window enables you to save your changes.

Saving changes

Changes you make in the Profile page take effect when you select the Save Profile button near the bottom of the page.