Payment service

The Payment service section contains the following settings, some of which you can edit:

If automatic capture is switched off (that is, Capture delay (days) set to 'Off'), you have to capture each payment manually, either through the Merchant Interface or by sending an XML order modification message per order. Also, you run the risk of authorisations expiring. Once an authorisation has expired (typically within 5 days) capture is no longer possible and the order has to be re-authorised  - that is, resubmitted to our payment service and authorised by the financial institutions.

The maximum transaction amount is displayed in one currency, usually the settlement currency of the merchant code. If other currencies are accepted on the account, the amount is converted to this currency and then checked. This means that if the amount is set to EUR 500 and GBP is requested in the order, the system converts the 500 EUR to GBP, and uses that as the maximum.

Please note that the contract dates as specified in your signed contract are leading.

Saving changes

Changes you make in the Profile page will take effect when you select the Save Profile button near the bottom of the page.