The Shopper Pages section contains the settings for the Payment Method Selection screen, that is, where your shoppers are directed by your shop application (Hosted Payment Page Redirect service). You can edit some of these settings:
Country/Language Selection - here you can choose whether or not the language and country selection pull-down menu are visible to the shoppers in the Select Payment Method screen. The country selection determines which country specific payment methods are presented to the shopper by default.
Make Return Pages Secure (HTTPS Proxy) - this setting determines whether or not the HTTPS proxy is used to secure your result URLs. By default this is set to ‘yes’. For more information on the HTTPS proxy, refer to the HTML Redirect Integration Guide.
Continue Button - this setting applies to off-line payment methods using the Hosted Payment Page service. Here you can define whether or not the Continue link is shown to the shopper when they choose an off-line payment method in the Select Payment Method screen. The link directs shoppers to the appropriate result URL (pending URL).
Changes you make in the Profile page will take effect when you select the Save Profile button near the bottom of the page.