About user management

The User Management service enables you to give unique login credentials to each of your users, so they can access the Worldpay applications your organisation uses. Accounts are customisable, meaning you can restrict the amount of permissions an account has to the minimum needed to carry out the duties of the users' job role.

If you have several merchant codes with us (accounts), the User Management service enables you to specify the merchant codes to which each user has access.

User Management makes it easier for your users to access the pages they need. Your accounting staff will need access to the parts of the Merchant Admin Interface used to manage payments, for example. Your system administration staff will need access to those parts of the Merchant Admin Interface used to configure the way in which the payment services work and so on.

Why do you need it?


User Management enables your organisation to secure access to the Merchant Admin Interface and the data it contains, and to:


User Management enables you to remove unneeded pages from a user’s view, making it easier for them to access the pages they need to do their job, as well as simplifying the training and support needed to deploy our service within your organisation.

Guide feedback?
Email us at: guides@worldpay.com

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