Acquirer Capture Report

This report provides you with detailed information that enables you to reconcile funds paid into your bank account, with the capture batch sent by our Payment Service to the relevant acquirer for your account. A capture batch contains payments with a CAPTURED and SENT_FOR_REFUND payment status.

Capture batches run according to your agreed schedule, and include the CAPTURED and SENT_FOR_REFUND payments for the period they cover. Each day, we send the previous day's capture batch to the acquirer. Each capture batch is given a number.

The report gives you summaries and details of each day's payments. You may also report on a number of capture batches by selecting a date range of up to a month. In this case, totals for each reported day are combined.

Note:  This report is only applicable if you are using our Payment Processing Service only (BankDirect account). If you are a merchant that has our Internet Merchant Account and Payment Processing Service (Business Gateway), please refer to the Transfer Batch Report for reconciliation purposes.

Note:  This report isn't available by default. You will need to request it through your Corporate Support Manager.

See also:

For further details about managing financial details, see Financial Status.

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