Redirect shopper to payment pages

After the request is accepted, the Worldpay Payment service typically returns an XML response of the following form:^DEMO^Example_ToditoCash_Order&paymentStatus=AUTHORISED&paymentAmount=100&paymentCurrency=USD&mac=24dcd933111a50e0f29c32f4d78ad62a

The response includes various components, which are described below:

Components Description

The successURL that you have specified in your XML order request.*


The orderKey parameter, including:

  • The admin code, with the limiter (^) appended. This value can be null
  • The merchant code, with the limiter (^) appended*
  • The order code specified in the original XML order request*


The status of the payment*.


The amount of the payment*.


The currency of the payment*.


The MAC secret. This value can be null if the MAC secret is not used.

Note: The MAC is returned if all the following conditions are met:

  • The MAC secret is ENABLED
  • The MAC secret was previously changed from DISABLED to ENABLED
  • The payment is in the AUTHORISED, REFUSED, CANCELLED, or CAPTURED status

Note:  * This value cannot be null.

If you are using the direct model, redirect the shopper to this URL, so that the shopper can complete the next steps in the payment process.

If you are using the redirect model, append the following details to the URL, before redirecting the shopper:

For more information about redirecting shoppers, see the Worldwide Payment Gateway Integration Guide.

At the end of this stage:

Note:  For detailed information on the direct model and the redirect model, see the Worldwide Payment Gateway Integration Guide on the Worldpay website.

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