Payment statuses and delays

You can use the Merchant Interface (MI) to track the status of a payment.

The various Alternative Payment Method (APM) statuses:

Status Description


  • Direct model: The shopper has selected a payment method and made the payment
  • Redirect model: The order is created, the shopper has selected the required payment method and provided any additional payment information on the Worldpay website


The Payment Service Provider (PSP) has authorised the payment


The Worldpay Payment service has received the payment from the PSP


The Worldpay Payment service is ready to transfer the funds

Worldpay can send you payment notifications, see the Worldwide Payment Gateway Integration Guide for details.

Payment Delays

The APM used to make a payment determines the delay from the time the shopper makes their payment to the time the payment status changes to SETTLED.  

With delayed APMs, the status continues to show SHOPPER_REDIRECTED for a period of time. For example, there can be a delay with the shopper making the payment and also a delay in the PSP authorising the payment.

Note:  Because the payment to the PSP occurs outside the Worldpay Payment service, the payment delay varies depending on the PSP being used.

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