Changing a user's roles or username

To change any aspect of a user’s record including name, password and/or the accounts to which they have access:

1.       Login to the Merchant Interface (MI) and select the User Management option in the left-hand navigation bar. The Select User page is displayed. The Users box contains a list of all users

2.       Select the user you want from the list

3.       Select the Edit User button

4.       Complete the fields as prompted - then select Save User. For details about completing all the fields, refer to User Management page descriptions

5.       The Save User page will be displayed and any errors notified. Go back to step 3 above to correct any errors

6.       Select OK to save the changed user profile.

The changed user profile is available for use immediately.

Changing a user’s username

To change a user’s username:

1.       Login to the Merchant Interface and select the User Management option in the left hand navigation bar. The Select User page is displayed. The Users box contains a list of all users

2.       Select the user you want from the list

3.       Select the Edit User button. The Edit User page opens including all details in the user profile

4.       Verify the user’s identity

5.       The user's current username is displayed in the Username field. Change the username and save the change

6.       Supply the user with their new user name.