Setting the user policy

This screen enables you to change the password life and other details for all users. The password life is the length of time in days the password will be active before automatically expiring.

Rules for all users

Several defaults or ‘polices’ apply to all users. The policies are:

Setting the password policy for your users

You can decide how long passwords will last before they expire for all users in your system. You can also specify whether users can log in more than once simultaneously from different machines. Also you can specify the number of days after which a user who has not logged in will be suspended.

To edit the Policy screen:

1.       Select User Management > Policy from the left-hand menu. This option is available only to users who have the Manage Profile role assigned to them. (Typically this is the Administrator only, since it does not make sense to give all users that can create other users the ability to change defaults that will apply to all users).

2.       Enter the number of days you want user passwords to last before users have to create a new one. Enter 0 (zero) if you don't want passwords to expire at all.

3.       Select Yes if you want to allow your users to log in from two separate laptops or PC's simultaneously using the same login details.

4.       Enter the number of days after which a user who has not logged in will be suspended. Enter 0 (zero) if you don't want any user to be suspended for not logging in.

5.       Click the Save button to store changes.