
Home > The Merchant Interface

What is the Merchant Interface?

The Merchant Interface lets you manage your Worldpay payment service online.

In the Merchant Interface, you can:

How do I log into the Merchant Interface?

You need an Internet connection, a browser and an account (or contract) with Worldpay. Both the production environment and the test environment have their own online Merchant Interface.

To access the Merchant Interface:

1.       Log on to Worldpay at the following address:

2.       Click on the Service Portals link to open a menu of options.

3.       Locate Business Gateway account login (MI).

4.       Click Log in. The Login screen opens.

5.       Enter the username and password supplied by our Customer Support. Your username and password give you access to all the Business Gateway applications you use. These include the Merchant Interface and, optionally, the Virtual Terminal (WorldAccess) service.

The system will tell you if there have been any failed login attempts since you last logged in. For example:

  • There were 2 failed login attempts since your last login. Time of last failed attempt: 28 Jul 2014 14:18:11

It's a good idea to bookmark the Login page, as this will save time on your next visit.

Logging in to your accounts

Log in to display the Application Selection window, which lists all available Business Gateway applications. Select the application of your choice. If you only have access to one application, then you are logged into that application. You may have access to multiple Merchant Codes, in which case the system asks you select the Merchant Code you want to access.

Once you are logged in to the Merchant Interface, you are able to access your other applications by selecting the Switch Application option (located at the bottom of the menu bar on the left of the page). See Navigating the Merchant Interface for details of the Merchant Interface main screen.

Logging in for the first time

When you login to the Merchant Interface for the first time, you are prompted to change your password, to ensure it is known only to you. You can change your password again by using the User Profile option available from the menu bar on the Merchant Interface.

Dealing with login failures

The system automatically suspends your login details if you have three repeated login failures due to an incorrect password entry. Even when you enter the correct password, your username is not accepted for 15 minutes. Then, if you enter the correct login credentials after 15 minutes, the suspension is lifted.

If you need additional access

Typically, you will only have one username (for example, the Merchant Code). For larger organisations, or in case of multiple accounts, additional access may be more practical - for example, additional read-only access, as well as a master view over all your accounts in a consolidated interface. Contact for details.