Each week you will receive a Transfer invoice (from billing@worldpay.com) for each account, detailing the Worldpay charges, that have been billed to you for that week.
Weekly invoices are given a unique number and are always prefixed with WR.
You will need the Transfer Invoice number detailed at the top of the report if you need to communicate with us about any items on this invoice. |
The following charges will be applied to your account, as appropriate:
Transaction Service Charge (TSC)
Guarantee Service Charge (GSC) (only if applicable). Note that our Merchant Guarantee is only available in the UK.
Funds Transmission Charge (FTC) - a transfer fee that is applicable where there is a transfer of funds to a bank account.
Any Value Added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Sales Tax (GST) if applicable - this rate may vary, depending on the region in which you trade.
The Transfer Invoice displays the amount of VAT that is applicable to each charge. If you are a UK merchant, it is a legal requirement that we show the VAT on your invoice in this way. |
Weekly invoices can be accessed from the Reports menu on the Merchant Interface. For full details about the Weekly invoice, refer to the Reports guide.
Figure: Example of Transfer invoice