Page description - Dispute Management page

Page item


Order Code (filter)


Use this filter to sort your list of disputed payments by their order code.

Creation Date (filter)

Use this filter to sort your list of disputed payments by their creation date.


The amount of the disputed transaction in your currency.

Current Status (filter)

Use this filter to select and display disputed payments by their current status. There are four types of current status:

  •  Chargeback reversed

  • Chargeback made

  •  Information Requested

  • Information Supplied


Shows the risk assessment score of the payment before it was disputed. Click on the score to see a detailed breakdown of the risk analysis. The explanation of this part of the Disputes Management Interface is in the Risk Management guide, on the Risk Results page.

Dispute Type

 The person or institution who has raised the dispute; the shopper or the car-issuer.

IR (Information Required)

A button and an indicator that shows the chargeback status of the disputed payment. If the button is blue, then you must send information about this payment to the card issuer or bank. Click on the button to display the Information Request screen.

IS (Information Suppplied)

A button and an indicator that shows the chargeback status of the disputed payment. If the button is blue, then you can view the information you supplied with  the Information Request window. This information appears on a read-only Information Supplied (IS) window

C/R (Charged Back)

An indicator that shows the chargeback status of the disputed payment. If the indicator is blue, then a chargeback has occurred to this disputed payment.

CR (Chargeback  Reversed)

An indicator that shows the chargeback status of the disputed payment. If the indicator is blue, thena chargeback has been reversed on this payment.

For a picture of the Dispute Management window, see the Screen shot - Payment Disputes window.