Business Gateway Customising (Advanced): Home > Customising your service > Customising the Payment Service pages > Message files - language versions > Display tags for multiple languages

Display tags for multiple languages

If you are creating Payment Service pages in several languages, you can make use of display tags that will automatically display texts in the appropriate language.

To add a display tag capable of automatically displaying various language translations:

1.      Create a message property named resY.tag_name with an English value of text here, by inserting the property and value into a downloaded copy of the file, for example:

resY.tag_name=text here

2.      Save the customised file and upload it to your Test environment.

3.      Insert the following tag code into an appropriate place in the Payment Service pages HTML files:

<WP DISPLAY MSG="resY.tag_name">

When you view the English version of the Payment Service pages the message "text here" will be displayed.

Apply the same method to the messages_*.properties file for each language you want to support. Ensure that you translate just the property value in the message properties files - and remember to upload them after customising them.

When the Payment Service pages are viewed the message will be displayed in the appropriate language.