Showing properties on pages - message substitution

The Message Substitution option in the Test Submission page provides a useful way for displaying the otherwise hidden properties and messages that are used to build the Payment Service pages.

With the option switched off the property names are shown rather than the contents of the properties. Customising the pages becomes much easier when you know which property produces which of the displayed values.

To show the property names in the Payment Service pages:

1.      Open the Payment Page editor and select Preview. The Test Submission page will open in a new window.

2.      Enter the details for the test transaction.

3.      For the Message Substitution option, select NO.

4.      Select Submit. The Payment Selection page will appear, with property names displayed rather than their values, as shown in the example figure below.
If you had selected YES for the Message Substitution option, then the actual property values would have been shown, such as text and images.

Payment Selection page example

This example shows the standard Payment Selection page, displayed via the Preview option, with the Message Substitution option set to 'NO', so that property names are shown, rather than their values:

Figure: The Payment Selection page with message substitution switched off

Other ways to show property names

There are two other ways to show property names in the Payment Service pages, these are briefly described below:

<input type="hidden" name="subst" value="no">