Common files and features

Some of the HTML file content is common to one or more of the Payment Service pages, so please note that when you change a common feature, such as a header in the Payment Selection page, the change may affect some of the other pages.

This commonality extends to changes made to common elements with the Payment Page editor, such as colour changes, as well as changes made to files.

The table below describes the HTML files used to construct the Payment Service pages and also shows their commonalities.


Affects these pages



Payment Selection page
Payment page
result pages

To add meta data including style sheet links, in between the Payment Service  <head> tags.


To add additional style elements to the default inline style sheet for the Payment Service pages.


To add text and images to the header section of the Payment Service pages.


To add text and images to the footer section of the Payment Service pages.


Payment Selection page
Payment page

To add text and images to a table, just after the header section


To add text and images to a table, just after the header section


Payment page

To add new fields (or any HTML), into the top part of the Payment Container section.

You can also use form elements to gather values for custom parameters in this part.


Payment page

To add new fields (or any HTML) into the bottom part of the payment form.

You can also use form elements to gather values for custom parameters in this part.


Payment page

To add new fields (or any HTML) into the bottom part of the payment form.

You can also use form elements to gather values for custom parameters in this part.


resultY page

To customise the 'Successful' payment result page.


resultC page

To customise the 'Cancelled' payment result page.

Help Files

All pages

To customise the help files linked from the Payment Service pages.

Property Files

All pages

To define attributes such as messages, styles and configuration parameters. For more information, please refer to Types Of Property Files.