
Within the Links section of Business Manager, you will find all of the links created through Pay by Link.

Searching for links

You're able to search for links between two dates, by Name, Email, or Cart Id, and by link status.

Search options

You can search for links in the following ways:

Viewing links

Underneath the search option is where you'll see the created links. There are six fields that you can sort by:


Depending on the number of links within the Links menu tab, you can choose to display 10, 20, 50, or 100 links per page. To change the number of results per page, click the drop down list at the bottom of the page. By default, 10 links per page are shown.

For usability reasons, this option is not available on tablet devices


Email Status

There are three email statuses on the Links page:

Link Status

There are six link statuses on the Links page:

Clicking on a link

Once you've found the link you've been looking for, click anywhere on the row and a new window will appear, showing: