Worldpay Fees by Presenter

When you select By Presenter as the presentation method for the Worldpay Fees granular data, iQ displays each Presenter associated with the transactions for the selected time period and Reporting Group.

Click the plus sign next to a presenter to expand by category type (for example Payments Acceptance, Revenue Solutions, etc.), then further by transaction type (authorizations, chargebacks/returns, etc.), and finally by the description of each fee. To expand all levels of granular data, click the plus sign next to Expand All. Note that data is only seen in some columns when they are expanded.

See the table below for descriptions of all the columns and fields in the detailed data tabs of the Worldpay Fees section.

Worldpay Fees by Presenter

Fee Report - Worldpay Fees Field Descriptions




The product category, followed by the transaction category for this Worldpay Fee or group of fees:

  • Dynamic Payout - includes all fees associated with Dynamic Payout funding instructions, and based on your Worldpay Agreement ‘Schedule A.'
  • PayFac (Payment Facilitators only, based on your Worldpay Payment Facilitator Agreement 'Schedule A') - Sub-Merchant Mgmt, KYC Fee, etc.

  • Payments Acceptance - includes Authorizations, Deposits/Refunds, Funds Transfers, Chargebacks/Returns, an 'Other Fees' (manual postings of specific fees not listed in MPM Billing Profiles adjustments. For example, chargeback-related credits which were not automatically processed through the Disputes process and the Issuer returned funds to Worldpay without proper identifiers).

  • Reporting/Analytics - iQ User Access Fee, etc.

  • Revenue Solutions - Recovery Engine, Account Updater, Recycling

  • Risk Solutions - Fraud Prevention, Fraud Chargeback Prevention Service (FCPS), Vault, eProtect

  • Customer Insight

Note: The category options depend on your merchant type and whether your organization is enabled for any Worldpay Value Added Services (VAS).


The method of payment for this fee or group of fees (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Bill Me Later, Direct Debit).


The presenter who submitted the transaction.This field appears when viewing the data By Presenter.

Note: If your organization self-presents, this field displays your organization name.


The description of the fee assessed by Worldpay.

TXN Count

The number of transactions associated with this fee, fee category, or method of payment for the selected time period and reporting group.

Fee per Txn

The total flat rate portion of the Worldpay Fee assessed for this type of transaction or group of transactions (if included) for the selected time period and reporting group.

Transaction Amount

The total amount of the transaction(s) that the percentage portion of the Worldpay Fee was levied against for the selected time period and reporting group.

Transaction % Fee

The percentage rate portion of the Worldpay Fee assessed for this type of transaction, if included.

Total Fees

The total fee amount charged by Worldpay for this transaction or group of transactions for the selected time period and reporting group.