Transaction Detail - Recycling Data

The Recycling Data panel contains information on Authorization Recycling if you schedule and re-attempt failed authorizations (see Recovery Engine Summary for more information). The Recycling Data Panel displays a list of recycled transaction attempts originating from a single order. The current transaction is highlighted and if the authorization is successful, a check mark () appears next to the approved Worldpay Payment ID. The table below describes all possible fields.


Transaction Detail - Recycling Data

Transaction Detail - Recycling Data Field Descriptions



Next Advice

The date and time (in GMT) recommended for the next recycle of the declined authorization or sale transaction. If no additional recycling advice exists, the field displays N/A.

Worldpay Payment ID

The automatically-assigned unique identifier for this transaction. Each recycle attempt has a different Payment ID. Click the Payment ID hyperlink to access the Transaction Detail screen associated with the recycle attempt.


The sequential recycle attempt number for this recycled order including both successful and failed attempts.


The source of the recycled transaction, either Worldpay (if the recycling was Worldpay-initiated) or the organization/merchant name if the recycling was merchant-initiated.

Txn Time

The time (in GMT) that the transaction recycle was attempted.


The total dollar amount of the purchase associated with this transaction.


The transaction response returned by Worldpay for this recycle attempt. If the transaction was declined, this message provides a reason.

Followed Previous Advice?

Indicates whether this recycling attempt followed the previous Recycling Advice provided by Worldpay (Yes or No).