Transaction Detail - Order Data

The Order Data panel of the Transaction Detail screen provides the extra order and transaction information required when qualifying for certain purchasing interchange rates. The table below describes all possible fields.

Transaction Detail - Order Data

Transaction Detail - Order Data Field Descriptions



Customer Reference

The reference string used by the customer for the purchase (for example, a Purchase Order Number).

Sales Tax

The amount of sales tax associated with the order.

Destination Country Code

The country code of the postal mailing address.

Destination Postal Code

The postal code of the mailing address.

Ship From Postal Code

The postal code from which the order ships.

Unique VAT Invoice Reference Number

The merchant invoice number.

Freight Amount

The amount of freight charges associated with the order.

Order Date

The date the order was placed.

Discount Amount Applied to Order

The amount of the discount for the order.

Duty Amount

The duty on the total purchased amount for the order.

Tax Type

The type of tax collected on this specific tax amount.

Tax Rate

The tax rate applied to this specific taxable amount.

Tax Amt

The tax amount on the purchased good or service.

Card Acceptor ID

Your organization’s Tax Identification Number.

Included in Total

Indicates whether or not the tax is included in the total purchase amount.