Transaction Detail - Line Item Data

The Line Item Data panel provides information on individual items in the order that were required when qualifying for certain purchasing interchange rates. The table below describes all possible fields.

Transaction Detail - Line Item Data

Transaction Detail - Line Item Data Field Descriptions



Sequence #

The merchant-designated sequence number for the line item within the order.


A description of the item purchased.

Product Code

The product code of the purchased item.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure of the purchased item. For example, each, kit, pair, gallon, and month.

Unit Cost

The price of one unit of the item purchased.


The number of items purchased.

Total Amount

The total cost of the line items purchased, not including tax.

Tax Amount

The tax amount on the purchased good or service.

Discount Amount

The discount amount applied to this item.

Total w/Tax

The total cost of the line items purchased including tax.

Commodity Code

The identifier assigned by the card acceptor that categorizes the purchased item and represents a particular product or service, according the National Institute of Government Purchasing (NIGP).