Transaction Detail - Fraud Check Summary

The Fraud Check Summary data panel appears when an authorization or sale transaction has been filtered by a Fraud Prevention service provider (see Fraud Dashboards Overview for more information on transaction filtering). The panel also provides information on which filter(s) were applied to this transaction (as indicated by a checked box) and of those filters, which filter(s) resulted in a declined authorization (as indicated by a red box). The table below describes all possible fields

Transaction Detail - Fraud Check Summary Panel

Transaction Detail - Fraud Check Summary Field Descriptions




Indicates whether the transaction has been filtered by a Fraud Prevention service provider (Yes or No).


The name of the Fraud Prevention service provider who performed the fraud check.


Indicates which filters were applied/configured for this transaction (as indicated by a checked box) and of those filters, which filter(s) resulted in a declined authorization (as indicated by the red box). The following filters are displayed:

  • Vel - Fraud Velocity

  • CBK - Prior Chargeback

  • FA - Prior Fraud Advice

  • PP - Prepaid Card

  • Intl - International Card

  • Sec - Security Code No-Match

  • Avs - Address Verification System

  • TMX (Pre) - ThreatMetrix fraud check performed before network processing.

  • TMX (Post) - ThreatMetrix fraud check performed after network processing.