Transaction Detail - Bill Me Later Data

The Bill Me Later (BML) data panel appears when BML is used as a method of payment and contains information used by BML as well as customer-specific data. The table below describes all possible fields.

Transaction Detail - BML Data

Transaction Detail - BML Data Field Descriptions



Address Indicator

Indicates whether the shipping address is a commercial (c) or residential (r) shipping address.

Credit Line

Indicates the credit line of the customer. The amount is specified using a two-digit implied decimal.

Authentication by Merchant

Indicates whether or not the customer has logged in to a secure web site or has been authenticated by the call center ANI.

For Bill Me Later transactions, this field is true if this is an e-commerce transaction and you store and verify the customers BML account number. This field is false for call center BML transaction or e-commerce transactions if you do not store and verify the customers BML account number.

Customer IP Address

The IP Address of the customer's system.

Preapproval Number

The pre-approval number issued by BML for the purchase.

Authorization Source Platform

The physical platform used for submitting the authorization request (not the order). Possible values are:

  • A - application processing

  • B - batch capture, recurring, or mail order

  • C - call center

  • F - fulfillment/order management

  • K - kiosk

  • M - mobile device gateway

  • P - processor or gateway reauthorization

  • R - retail POS

Item Category Code

The Bill Me Later item category for the type of product sold.

Terms and Conditions

The specific lending terms of the BML account.

BML Customer Specific Data

Customer Registration Date

The date the customer registered with BML.

Income Amount

The yearly income of the customer.

Customer Work Phone

The customer’s work telephone number.

Customer Type

Indicates whether the customer is a new or existing customer. An existing customer is a customer in good standing that has been registered with the merchant for a minimum of 30 days and has made at least one purchase in the last 30 days.

Income Currency

The income currency of the customer.

Residence Status

The type of domicile in which the customer resides.

Employer Name

The name of the customer’s place of employment.

Years at Residence

The number of years the customer has resided in their current domicile.

Years at Employer

The number of years the customer has worked for their current employer.