Transaction Detail - Advanced Fraud Check Summary

The Advanced Fraud Check Summary data panel appears when your organization is enabled for Advanced Fraud Tools (and in certain cases, Basic Fraud Tools). The panel provides the results of advanced fraud checks performed by Fraud Prevention service providers, as well as a list of the rules triggered from the ThreatMetrix (merchant) The table below describes all possible fields.

Transaction Detail - Advanced Fraud Check Summary Panel

Transaction Detail - Advanced Fraud Check Summary Field Descriptions



Web Session ID

The unique session ID you assigned and sent to ThreatMetrix when your web page called the application.

Review Status

The results of the comparison of the Device Reputation Score against the threshold levels configured for the merchant. Typical values are: pass, fail, review, and unavailable.

Device Reputation Score

The score resulting from the Worldpay query to the ThreatMetrix servers for the results of their analysis. These results reflect how the information about the consumer device/connection captured in the ThreatMetrix database evaluates against rules and thresholds set in your merchant profile.

Triggered Rules

A list of the rules triggered whose conditions were met and therefore contributed to the cumulative Device Reputation Score returned in the cnpAPI response.