Returned Payments - Rejects

The Rejects tab of the Returned Payments report provides a view of all refunds and deposits for payments rejected by the card networks associated with the selected time period and reporting group. Rejected payments are listed by Worldpay Payment ID. Click an individual Payment ID hyperlink to navigate to the Transaction Detail screen for that Rejected payment. The table below describes all the fields in the Rejects tab of the Returned Payments report.

Note that an (R) next to an individual rejected payment in the amount column indicates that there is a refund associated with the rejected payment.

Returned Payments - Rejects

Returned Payments - Rejects Field Descriptions



Worldpay Payment ID

The automatically-assigned unique identifier for this transaction, that is associated with the rejected payment. Click the hyperlink to access the Transaction Detail Screen for this rejected payment.


The name of the merchant (or division) associated with the rejected payment.


The date the rejected payment was processed.

Reject Reason

The reason code and description associated with the rejected payment.


The dollar amount of the rejected payment.