Reserve Report

The Reserve Report shows a chronological list of the activities (sales, refunds, or both) or fund transfers (settlements) that influence your organization’s reserve account. This report is your main view into your organization’s escrow account.

You can view the Reserve Report by Activity (post) date or by Settlement (funds transfer) date. Summary data is presented in the top frame, and more detailed data is presented in the lower frame.

To access the Reserve Report:

  1. From the iQ Bar, click the Financial icon and select Reserve Report from the list of available reports, or from the Financial Navigation bar. The Reserve Report screen appears.

  2. Select the desired view, either by Activity Date (default) or Settlement Date.

  3. Select the desired Date Range, Reporting Group, and Currency and click View to refresh the page.

See the table below for a description of each of the fields in the Reserve Report.

Reserve Report - Settlement Date View

Reserve Activity Report Field Descriptions



Reporting Group

The Reporting Group to which the data applies. If a hierarchy of groups exist, click the plus sign to expand the information to show sub-groups.

Activity Date

The date that Worldpay processed the transaction (sale or refund) based on your organization’s cutoff time (specified in your merchant agreement). Each settlement date may have multiple associated activity dates.

Settlement Date

The date that Worldpay sent the settled funds (less fees and/or reserve/chargebacks) to your organization’s bank. Each settlement date may have multiple associated activity dates.


The amount of money your organization charged to customers by means of sale transactions.







Refunds - The total amount returned to your customers by means of refund transactions, if applicable. This column displays only if the reserve funding method on the billing profile is configured for refunds.

Target % - The percentage of reserve period sales and refunds that is kept in your organization’s reserve account. This is configured as specified in your merchant agreement.

Period Length - The number of days of sales and refunds that affect the reserve account. This is configured as specified in your merchant agreement.

Start Date - The earliest date in the reserve period date range

.End Date - The latest date in the reserve period date range.

Period Sales - The total sales amount processed during the specified reserve period.

Period Refunds -The total amount returned to your customers by means of refund transactions during the specified reserve period.

Target Balance - The target amount to be kept in your organization’s reserve account, which is calculated based on the sales and refund activity that occurred during the specified reserve period.

Starting Balance - The total amount in your organization’s reserve account before reserve adjustments were applied.


Misc. - the amount manually credited to or debited by Worldpay from your organization’s reserve account.

Auto - the amount automatically added by the Worldpay system to the Starting Reserve Balance to bring your organization’s reserve account balance to the Target Reserve Balance. This amount is calculated based on data in the following Reserve fields: Sales, Refunds, Starting Balance, Target %, and Target Balance.

Total - the total of the Miscellaneous Reserve adjustments and Auto Reserve adjustments.

Ending Balance

The amount remaining in your organization’s reserve account after the reserve adjustments were applied.