Insights - Country of Issuing Bank

The Country of Issuing Bank view of the Insights Dashboard segments customers by the country of their payment card issuing bank. While billing and delivery addresses may indicate a domestic customer, the payment card’s issuing bank indicates the true nationality of the purchaser. The data and charts in the report are segmented by country.

Country of Issuing Bank Report

The table below describes each of fields in the Country of Issuing Bank table.

Country of Issuing Bank Table Field Definitions



Country of Issuing Bank

The country of the card’s issuing bank (USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, China, Mexico, Other).

# of Auths

The total number of authorization attempts for each country for the designated reporting group and time period.

These counts are shown in the Acquired Customers pie chart when you hover over a Country of Issuing Bank.

% of Total Auths

The share of authorization attempts segmented by Country of Issuing Bank (country) as a percentage of the total authorizations attempted.

These percentages are represented in the Acquired Customers pie chart.

# of Approved Auths

The total number of approved authorizations for each country for the designated reporting group and time period.

Approval %

The share of authorization approvals that occurred for each country as a percentage of the total authorizations approved.

# of Approved Deposits

The total number of individual deposits resulting from successful payment authorizations.

Avg. Deposit Amount

The average value of successfully authorized transactions. This is the best metric for comparing the value of a segment to your business.

Total Deposits Amount

The total deposit amount for each country for the designated reporting group and time period.

These counts are shown in the Converted Customers pie chart when you hover over a Country of Issuing Bank.

% of Total Deposits

The deposit amount for each country as a percentage of the total deposits.

These percentages are represented in the Converted Customers pie chart.