Case Detail Response Data

The Response Data panel displays information received in the cnpAPI transaction response. This panel is identical to the Transaction Detail Response Data panel. The table below describes all possible fields.

Case Detail - Response Data

Case Detail - Response Data Field Descriptions



AVS Code

The Address Verification Service (AVS) response code.

Response Reason Code

The response code that corresponds to the Response Reason Message.

AVS Message

The Address Verification Service (AVS) response message.

Response Reason Message

The transaction response returned by Worldpay. If the transaction was declined, this message will provide a reason.

Card Validation Code

The Card Validation Number (CVV2, CVC2, CID) response code.

Approval Code

A code provided by the issuing bank on approved authorizations.

Card Validation Message

The Card Validation Number (CVV2, CVC2, CID) response message.


The Interchange category for which the transaction qualified (if applicable). (Card-based transactions only.)

Transaction Processing Time

The date and time (GMT) the transaction was processed.