Case Detail Payment Tracking Data

The Case Detail Payment Tracking Data panel provides additional tracking information for the chargeback, including order source, billing descriptor, and Worldpay Payment ID. This panel is identical to the Transaction Detail - Tracking Data panel. The Table below describes all possible fields.

Case Detail - Payment Tracking Data

Case Detail - Tracking Data Field Descriptions



Order Source

The source of the sale transaction (for example, mail order, telephone, recurring, installment, Apple Pay, Android Pay, etc.).

Billing Descriptor

The custom billing descriptor text that will display on the customer’s bill.

Merchant Order Number

The merchant-designated identifier for this transaction. This field is used for Duplicate Transaction Detection in Batch files.

Customer Phone/City

The phone number or city where your organization is located. This field is only displayed when a Custom Billing Descriptor is used.


The merchant-specified identifier used to track transactions associated with specific marketing campaigns or promotions.

Merchant Transaction ID

The identifier specified by the merchant for this transaction. This value corresponds to the id attribute (id="value") of the transaction and is used with Online transactions for Duplicate Transaction Detection.

Batch Type

The electronic source of this transaction (for example, online, normal, POS, Account Updater Response, etc.).

Batch ID

The automatically-assigned identifier for the batch associated with the transaction. Click the hypertext link to navigate to the Batch Detail screen.

Worldpay Payment ID

The automatically-assigned unique identifier for this transaction.


The merchant-specified identifier used to track transactions associated with your affiliate organizations.


The Acquirer Reference Number that uniquely identifies this transaction with the networks.

Merchant Grouping ID

The merchant-specified identifier for grouping transactions by an additional transaction level ID outside of Affiliate or Campaign.

Bypass Velocity Check?

Whether the transaction had processing instructions to bypass velocity checking (Yes or No).