Case Detail Payment History

The Payment History panel displays a chronological list of all transactions processed (authorizations, deposits, and refunds) that are associated with the cardholder’s account, up to 24 months prior. Click a Payment ID hyperlink to view an associated transaction. The table below provides descriptions of the fields.

Case Detail Payment History Panel

Case Detail Payment History Field Descriptions



Payment ID

Click the Payment ID if you want to review the details of a specific authorization, deposit, or refund. This opens the Transaction Detail Screen.

Post Date

The date the funds appear as accepted, or recognized, based on your organization’s cutoff time, as specified in your merchant agreement.

Merchant Order Number

Merchant designated identifier for this transaction.

Txn Type

The type of transaction (for example, refund, auth, or deposit).


Amount of the transaction.

AVS Response Message

Address Verification Service message. Displays the results of any validation of the Bill To address that was performed when the order was authorized.

Response Message

The transaction response returned by the system. If the transaction was declined, this message will provide a reason.


The Acquirer Reference Number that uniquely identifies this transaction with the networks.