
The vendorAddress element contains several child elements that define the postal mailing address of the vendor in a vendorDebit or vendorCredit transaction. Although shown in the schema as optional, you must include the address information in the vendor credit/debit transactions.

Parent Elements:

vendorCredit, vendorDebit



Child Elements: (all optional)

addressLine1, addressLine2, addressLine3, city, state, zip, country

This element will be available in the Pre-Live environment for testing on March 1, 2022.

Example: vendorAddress Structure


  <addressLine1>Address Line 1</addressLine1>

  <addressLine2>Address Line 2</addressLine2>

  <addressLine3>Address Line 3</addressLine3>


  <state>State Abbreviation</state>

  <zip>Postal Code</zip>

  <country>Country Code</country>
