Using Void to Halt Recycling Engine

If you use Recovery or the Recycling Engine service and use Sale transactions (conditional deposits) to authorize and capture the funds, you must use a Void transaction to discontinue the automatic recycling of the transaction should the need arise. For example, if a customer cancels an order and the Sale transaction is being retried by the Recycling Engine, you submit a Void transaction to halt the automatic recycling of the transaction.

If the initial transaction you submitted is an Authorization rather than an Sale, you use an Authorization Reversal transaction to halt the recycling.

When using a Void transaction to halt recycling, there is a possibility that the recycling attempts already resulted in an approved and captured transaction. If this condition occurs, depending upon your configuration, the system takes one of the following actions:

  • If you are not configured for the Automatic Refund option (default = disabled), the system declines the Void transaction. You must issue the Credit transaction to refund the money to the consumer. The daily Recycling file will include the approved/captured transaction.

  • If you are configured for the Automatic Refund option and you submit the Void within 24 hours of the Capture approval, the system issues a Credit transaction on your behalf. The system returns the transaction Id for the Credit transaction in the Void response message (creditCnpTnxId element). The daily Recycling file will include the approved/captured transaction only if the file was generated prior to the system receiving the Void and issuing the automatic refund.

  • If you are configured for the Automatic Refund option and you submit the Void outside of the 24 hour window after the successful Capture, the Void fails and you must issue the Credit transaction yourself. The Void response message will include one of the following response codes:

    • If, in the Void, you referenced the cnpTxnId of the original, declined transaction, the response/message is 322 - Invalid Transaction.
    • If, in the Void, you referenced the cnpTxnId of the successfully captured transaction, the response/message is 362 - Transaction not Voided - Already Settled.