
The tokenResponse element is the parent element for several children defining the registered token, as well the either card type and BIN, or last three characters of the account number in the case of eChecks. This element appears in the response only if a tokenized merchant submits card or Direct Debit account information in the transaction request.

Parent Elements:

authorizationResponse, captureGivenAuthResponse, creditResponse, echeckCreditResponse, echeckRedepositResponse, echeckSalesResponse, echeckVerificationResponse, forceCaptureResponse, saleResponse, updateSubscriptionResponse



Child Elements:

Required: tokenResponseCode, tokenMessage

Optional: cnpToken, type, bin, eCheckAccountSuffix

Example: tokenResponse Structure



  <tokenResponseCode>Response Code</tokenResponseCode>

  <tokenMessage>Response Message</tokenMessage>

  <type>Method of Payment</type>


  <eCheckAccountSuffix>Last 3 of Account Number</eCheckAccountSuffix> (returned for eCheck account tokens)
