
The recycleBy element is an optional child of the recyclingRequest element and determines the use of the Recycling Engine. The default setting is Cnp, so omitting this element is the same as submitting a value of Cnp.

Also, if your Merchant Profile includes a preset percentage split of transactions between merchant and Worldpay controlled, then settings of Merchant and Cnp are ignored; you can still use a setting of None to exclude the transaction. Also, although the default setting is normally Cnp, it can be altered in your merchant profile to a setting of Merchant.

Type = String (Enum); minLength = N/A; maxLength = N/A

Parent Elements:




Child Elements:






This setting indicates that the merchant controls the recycling of the transaction. For A/B comparison testing, transactions using this setting will be counted as merchant controlled.

After setting this value in the initial transaction, subsequent transactions should have same value. Any different value will be ignored.


This setting indicates either that the Recycling Engine controls the recycling of the transaction. For A/B comparison testing, transactions using this setting will be counted as Worldpay controlled.

After setting this value in the initial transaction, subsequent transactions should have same value. Any different value will be ignored.


For A/B comparison testing, transactions using this setting are excluded from all counts. These transactions will not be counted as either merchant or Worldpay controlled.