Overview of Apple Pay Operation

The operation of Apple Pay and Apple Pay on the web is relatively simple, but will require either the development of new native iOS applications or the modification of your existing applications or website that include the use of the Apple PassKit Framework (or Apple Pay JavaScript for Apple Pay web) and the handling of the encrypted data returned to your application by Apple Pay. The basic steps that occur when a consumer initiates an Apple Pay purchase using your mobile application or website are:

  1. Step 1When the consumer selects the Apple Pay option from your application, your application makes use of the Apple PassKit Framework (or Apple Pay JavaScript) to request payment data from Apple Pay.

  2. Step 2When Apple Pay receives the call from your application and after the consumer approves the Payment Sheet (using Touch ID), Apple creates a PKPaymentToken using your public key. Included in the PKPaymentToken is a network (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express) payment token and a cryptogram.

  3. Step 3Apple Pay returns the Apple PKPaymentToken, defined in Apple documentation; please refer to https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/PassKit/Reference/PaymentTokenJSON/PaymentTokenJSON.html

The remainder of this section discusses the various options for handling the PKPaymentToken in the transaction flow.