
The healthcareAmount element is a required child of the healthcareIIAS element. Through its child elements, it provides details about the dollar amount and type of IIAS qualified items purchased using Healthcare Prepaid cards.


For all card brands except Visa, the value you use for the totalHealthcareAmount child must be the sum of the values applied to the following elements: RxAmount, visionAmount, clinicOtherAmount, copayAmount, and dentalAmount. For Visa, do not include the visionAmount in the total.

Parent Elements:




Child Elements:

Required: totalHealthcareAmount

Optional: RxAmount, visionAmount, clinicOtherAmount, dentalAmount, copayAmount

Example: fundingSource Structure


  <totalHealthcareAmount>Total of Healthcare Items</totalHealthcareAmount>

  <RxAmount>Amount for Medications</RxAmount>

  <visionAmount>Amount for Vision Items</visionAmount>

  <clinicOtherAmount>Amount for Clinic Charges</clinicOtherAmount>

  <dentalAmount>Amount for Dental Charges</dentalAmount>

<copayAmount>Amount for Copay Charges</copayAmount>
