
The fraudCheckAction element is a child of Authorization and Sale transaction. You use this element to either submit a transaction that your fraud prevention service for a check by the Guaranteed Payments service, or to indicated that you do not require a fraud check by Worldpay.


Type = String Enum; Possible Values = see below

Enumeration Decription
APPROVED_SKIP_FRAUD_CHECK Use this value if your fraud prevention service already approved the transaction and you wish to process the Authorization/Sale without a Guaranteed Payments fraud check.
DECLINED_NEED_FRAUD_CHECK Use this value if your fraud prevention service declined the transaction, but you wish to submit the transaction to the Guaranteed Payments service to verify the previous finding of potential fraud. Worldpay preforms the check before sending the transaction upstream to the card brands. If Worldpay detects fraud, the system declines the transaction; otherwise, the system sends the transaction upstream for network/issuer approval.


Parent Elements:

authorization, sale





Child Elements:
