
The filtering element is an optional child of either the Authorization or Sale request transaction. You use its child elements to selectively enable/disable the various FraudSight Basic filters. Setting either the <international> or <chargeback> child element to false disables that filtering feature for the transaction. The <prepaid> child can be set to true to enable the feature selectively, or set to false to disable the feature for the transaction, if you elected to use the filter all prepaid configuration option.

Parent Elements:

authorization, sale



Child Elements:

Optional: prepaid, international, chargeback

Although included in the schema and shown in the example below, the <chargeback> element is not supported. To override the chargeback filter for a selected transaction, use the fraudFilterOverride flag (see fraudFilterOverride). Please consult your Relationship Manager for additional information.

Example: filtering Structure


  <prepaid>true or false</prepaid>


